Emmy girl is five months old! She is quite the talker, yabbering all the time, especially when her brothers are being loud (read-always). She rolls over all the time, grabs at anything in front of her ( I love seeing her little hands that are always moving suddenly get really slow and controlled as she reaches for something. She is like a magnet). She is weighing in at 17 pounds and 27 inches! My big beautiful girl.Conner drew his fist picture the other day. He really does not enjoy coloring all that much, and can not handle using more then one color at a time. Its like pulling teeth getting him to choose another, and then its always black. Sigh. So when he told me he was drawing a picture of Emmalynn the other day, I didn't think much of it. That is until I looked and actually saw person! I was so proud of him :)
I got Emmy a new bath tub, and we are in love! It's a Princelion Heart Wash Pod, basically a clear bucket with padding on the bottom. Its great because she is nice and snug in it and warm since her entire body is submerged in water. I would highly recommend it to any one with babies.
And my sweet crazy Brooks who looks so much like his Daddy. Someday I am going to have to take a picture of a painting that Joseph's parents have of him at Conner's age. Its amazing how much both my boys look like Joseph.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Posted by Mama Blue at 7:14 AM 1 comments
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Miniscule update
Hello everyone! We are all safe and sound in our new home, getting adjusted to the time change and no daddy change. I know I have been horribly bad about keeping this blog updated, but as soon as I am mentally prepared I will start blogging regularly again. For now here are some pictures of our last days with Joseph.
Posted by Mama Blue at 11:56 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
I am addicted
I am so addicted to this little girl. I am also addicted to bows, especially ones that match little details in her outfits like this blue one...can you see what it matches?
Posted by Mama Blue at 4:21 PM 3 comments
Monday, June 14, 2010
Today is Conner's second to last day of school, and then all the craziness of this years summer will begin. I am both excited and apprehensive about this new season, but figure all I can do is jump in with two feet and trust that God will carry me through as He always does. It has been busy busy here as Joseph prepares for the last of his tests, puts together his package for medical school (awesome, right?!), prepares graduations speech's, gets everything in order for our belonging's to go into storage and for us to travel cross country with three small children, and everything else that comes with heading out to sea. In all that we struggle on how to best go about this time known as the "pre-deployment blues". In a way it is nice that s0 much is going on as it gives us different events to look forward to besides the deployment. In ten days (TEN DAYS!!!) my other mom and dad (Joseph's parents) will be here to celebrate Joseph's graduation and to of course to love on us all, and we them ( I for see a certain Meme not letting a certain Papa hold Emmalynn is the hopes that she will be hers).
Either while they are here or shortly after they leave, our house will be packed up and sent to a storage facility where it will await our return. Then for the Fourth of July weekend Emmalynn and I will be visiting my parents, while Joseph holds down the almost empty fort with the boys. Upon my return we will be hitting the road! We are hoping to get the trip done in 3 days and be in Louisville by the weekend, where we will then spend the next two weeks in bliss before sending Joseph off. Anyone exhausted yet?
In other sad news, we had to shave the boys hair off last weekend. If I hadn't been covered in tears and hair I would have cried along with Brooksie as we got rid of his beautiful locks, but I was more concerned with the sobbing little boy in my arms. So why did we have to shave it? One nasty word...LICE.. so gross! We are not sure if Conner came home from school with it, or if they got it from the park, but regardless, it was disgusting! Because of how long Brooks' hair was we felt it would be better in the long run to just go ahead and shave it. It took an awhile for Joseph and I to not get sad every time we looked at him. But a funny thing we discovered was how much he really does look like Conner without all that hair! I know most people think they look very alike (we get asked ALL THE TIME if they are twins), but honestly while its obvious they are brother's, to us they have always just been Conner and Brooks. Well now we do double takes too, haha (not twin double takes though). So what do you think? I am hoping this will make the Louisville heat a little easier on him.
In Emmalynn news: She is doing great! 23 and a half inches and right around 10lbs. Suddenly today she looks less like a newborn and more like an infant with her cute cheeks and pale skin. She is also a complete Daddy's girl, for the first time I was not the receiver of the first smile, nor am I the preferred calmer downer (unless she must eat of course haha). But that's ok, because he makes me smile and calms me down too, so its completely understandable.
Posted by Mama Blue at 1:11 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Memorial weekend
Memorial weekend has never had such an impact on me as it has now that my husband is in the military and facing a deployment. It probably sounds very callous (or blond), but in all my 26 memorial weekends it honestly never occurred to me what we were really celebrating or better yet, remembering. But this weekend as I looked at my husband, the emotional-ness of it hit me like a steam engine. I am so very thankful for the men and women who make such huge sacrifices for us, and proud to be a part of the greater military family.
So this weekend I soaked up even more time with my love as we shared our daughter with her great grandparents.
I am so proud of this amazing man!
And because the boys need some blog love too...
all Conner wants to do when at my grandparents house is look through the binoculars,
Posted by Mama Blue at 9:57 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
As usual change is upon us. I am starting to become a little better at adapting to it, but it still wrings me around the neck a few times. We found out recently that Joseph will be deploying this summer, and while we knew it would happen eventually, we really hoped it wouldn't happen quite so soon. We are in an interesting time warp right now, watching each day pass by knowing it brings us closer to the dreaded departure, all while trying to hold on tight to every moment, every smile, tear and hiccup, not letting anything slip through the cracks. Its hard knowing that when he come's home Conner will be closer to five then four, Brooks closer to three and Emmalynn will be in the 9 month range. That's a lot of growing and changing! So for now we cherish the time we have and prepare for a lot of change the best way we know how.The last picture just cracks me up. Conner and Brooks spend most of the day taking turns holding Emmalynn, and sometimes little sister just doesn't want to be held...
Posted by Mama Blue at 12:09 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Two weeks
Its been busy busy busy around here!` Little girl is growing up to fast already in my opinion and of course the boys have seemed to age tremendously since her arrival :( We are all doing great and I hope to soon find the time to update more regularly, but for now I am going to try to be good about at least posting pictures!
Posted by Mama Blue at 2:55 PM 0 comments